Spray foams offer the longest-lasting and most energy savings of any insulation product on the market. Also, when applied correctly, spray polyurethane foams provide exceptional energy efficiency and help eliminate drafts, heat loss, and moisture entry.

What is open cell spray foam?

  1. A product derived from crude oil
  2. Made of bubbles or “open cells,” create a soft, flexible material
  3. Density of about .5 lbs per cubic foot
  4. Expands to 3 inches of thickness

What are the benefits?

  1. Expands after application; reaches nooks and crannies
  2. Excellent for soundproofing- a single application will fill the area between studs
  3. Much more affordable than closed-cell foam but not ideal for areas with extreme temperatures

How is open cell spray foam installed?

  1. Best applied by a professional contractor
  2. Although specialized high-pressure equipment is used to apply spray foam, every project is different based on the structure and conditions
  3. In general, open-cell foam is best suited for residential applications such as rooflines, attic floors, above grade exterior walls, or places needing soundproofing

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Places That Need Open Cell Spray Foam

The insulation industry has grown significantly. New advancements bring new opportunities. Today, open-cell spray foam is being used in many ways for a variety of structures.

Industrial Facilities & Commercial Buildings

Many engineers and architects implement the use of open-cell spray foam to meet building codes and performance requirements by:

  • Creating sound barriers
  • Insulating interior spaces
  • Filing nooks and crannies in hard to reach spaces
  • Increasing energy efficiency and performance
  • And More

Residential Structures

In addition to reaching hard to reach places in attics, many homeowners choose to use open-cell spray foam as insulation between studs. This application process not only helps to maintain the temperature within inside spaces, but it also works as a sound barrier.

20+ Years in the Industry

At East Texas Insulators, LLC., we use our experience to provide you with the best application of open-cell insulation to best suit your needs.

If you are looking for an insulator in Longview, Tyler, Mt. Pleasant, Marshall, TX, or Shreveport, LA areas, we’re here for you.